Lunes, Abril 7, 2014


UPDATE OUT: Industria Service Update
Here's some things that you'll be seeing in this update:
Finished some interiors, namely lobbies of certain buildings!
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Put up signs for things to be completed when 0.9.0 comes out!
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Speed bumps! People drive slower on these bridges now!
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Another subway station has been opened! Welcome to Steeles Avenue Station
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It's a side platforms station, but also has a dug in center platform, known as a Spanish Solution to quicken up boarding of trains.
However, this one isn't in use, and if volumes of passengers increase, it'll be opened.
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I had some inspiration with this:
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I also made a sewer thingy:
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I also gave my Art Deco building a better roof and observation deck.
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Built lots and lots of underground parking!
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Made a front:
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Looking down Highway 7:
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Looking down Woodbine, note the new streetlamp design, I modified it to look more Toronto-ish!
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Over the past year, I've been working on the largest city map on Pocket Edition, with inspiration stemming from my previous city map, New Industria. Although that map was also very impressive, and I spent months working on that city, me, suffering from a very annoying case of paranoia, felt that since the city wasn't built to scale, it sucked. So I started on this map, a scale 1:1 (around that), with the help of flat maps ported from PC, my friends, and my endurance, and after a year now, I've almost finished it.

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The map itself is quite small, containing only around 10 buildings, because of the fact that each building roughly occupies ~50,000 sq m (considering that each block is 1m x 1m x 1m) , and takes up around 80x50 in my city blocks, so the amount of actual buildings is quite low. Roads also take up space, and I did lots of research and read parts of the FHWA's Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices to make the roads as accurate as possible (the roads are interstate grade worthy!)

I've taken lots of inspiration from real-life buildings, many from the city that I live near, Toronto, as well as other renowned cities, with architects such as Mies, Cesar Pelli, etc. I've also taken inspiration from other Minecraft city maps, and other creative builds. I've filled up the current small world of MCPE, and I can't wait for infinite worlds, and with World Painter, I'm getting ready for a base plan for my future world Posted Image

Enough talk, let's see some screenshots! C:

So, let's see the city c:
Skyline and Construction Work as well as some Interiors
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Cellphone tower C:
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That's it for now folks!

Download for Industria's Pre-Release:
Download ​Redundant, download for Nostalgia 
Download for Industria Service Update:

Installation process:

What you'll need:
A iDevice
A file system browser such as iExplorer or such that works with iOS devices
1: Download the file browser and map
2: Plug in your iDevice
3: Open iExplorer
4. Navigate to:com.mojang.minecraftpe/Documents/games/com.mojang/minecraftWorlds
5. Open the zip file
6. Copy the folder to:com.mojang.minecraftpe/Documents/games/com.mojang/minecraftWorlds
7. Unplug your iDevice
8. Run Minecraft Pocket Edition
9. Enjoy the map C:
If you still don't understand, Google it Posted Image

What you'll need
A Android device
A file browsing app
1. Download the map
2. Plug in your Android device to your computer
3. Navigate to: games/com.mojang/minecraftWorlds
4. Open the zip file
5. Extract the folder inside the zip file to games/com.mojang/minecraftWorlds
6. Unplug your Android device
7. Open Minecraft Pocket Edtion
8. Enjoy Industria! C:
If you still don't understand a simple Google search can get you it.

As this is a pre-release, there's still more to be done, but most of it is finished.
A few buildings I still need to do roofs for, either because I don't think the current height limit is high enough for my vision, or because I don't know what to do yet. Another thing to be done is the complete underground, which includes the sewers, the subway, and underground paths linking to each other, similar to Toronto's PATH system.

I'm currently working on those minor things, so expect a update this week or the next.

Industria Pre-Release 1
Industria Pack 1
-Added parking garages under the city
-Added another stop along the subway line
-Fixed sewer
-Minor fixes with road
-Made lampposts more Toronto-ish
-Fixed subway issues
-Added penthouse levels to "City-Place" plaza
-Fixed stock exchange
-Fixed bank building
-Fixed hospital and completed interiors
-Minor fixes along map 

The device used to create this world is a Sony Xperia ZL clocked at quad 1.5 GHz coupled with 2 GB's of ram. No lag whatsoever, however staring at lots of cobblestone walls makes it lag. Great phone, highly recommended. Be minded that even though my phone is very powerful, it still lags running my city at full graphic settings, so I cant imagine what it would be like running it on single cored devices such as the iPod Touch. The version of MCPE I use is 0.8.0 Alpha 2, and thats the reason that all the signs are invisible (glitch but I like it).

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